#eye #eye


Exploring the essence of communities, where individuals come together under a constantly evolving identity that responds to the currents of society. The project highlights the vital role of belonging and sharing in the human experience. By focusing on the 'emotional community', it brings to light the intricate bonds that are created through shared emotional experiences and common values that are essential for achieving social harmony. Through an analogy between communities and coral reefs, the project showcases emotional bonds, shared symbols, and the 'social phylum'. Like coral reefs with diverse and interconnected individuals, communities are fluid tribes, synchronized by shared values, creating a collective brilliance. This dynamic fluidity, reflecting the postmodern era, allows individuals to navigate freely, adapting to ever-evolving interests and affiliations.

Projection Mapping Installation

The project featured the creation of a three-dimensional installation using origami, meticulously assembled to form a cohesive structure. A video was crafted with customized animations specifically designed to harmonize with the origami shapes. This video was then projected onto the installation, resulting in a stunning visual presentation where the origami pieces came alive through the synchronized animations.


Animations showreel